Special grant for a Ukrainian student
Special grant for a Ukrainian doctoral student or a post-doctoral researcher in the 2022 call
We have decided in our 2022 call to support young Ukrainian scientists through prioritizing one grant for a Ukrainian doctoral student or a post-doc researcher in a Finnish university or research center. The applications should follow the general principles and goals of the Foundation. Last day to apply for this grant will be 14th of October 2022.
We provide funding for research that is related to Finnish natural resources, carried out primarily in Finland and aimed at finding epochal solutions for climate-neutral and resource-wise economy. Our funding targets research that has the potential to make a difference.
Funding can be sought for research and innovation concerning ideas to develop the yield and techno-economic utilization of Finland’s natural resources. Research funding is granted for applied research aimed at breakthroughs in sustainable development. Project funding can be granted for up to three years.
The call for grant applications is open to talented and innovative doctoral students and post-doc researchers. The person acting as the actual applicant and responsible project leader must have a doctoral degree.
The Foundation for Research of Natural Resources in Finland provides funding for research in the fields of BIO-ECONOMY and MINERAL ECONOMY.
Innovations can be processes, technologies, products, services, or social innovations related to Finnish natural resources. The innovations must, however, have the potential for economic utilization in compliance with the principles of sustainable development.
Applications are submitted electronically via the SLTS Grant System. Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your application.
Link to the SLTS Grant System: Suomen Luonnonvarain Tutkimussäätiö – Login (apurahat.net)
You can also enter the grant system via our web address: https://www.slts.fi/en/reserch-grants/
Please contact Managing Director Roy Siljamäki for further questions.
Best Regards,
Pekka Nurmi
Chair of Board
Roy Siljamäki
Managing Director