Reporting instructions

Progress report

When submitting a continued application for another year of funding, the research grant recipient shall provide the Foundation with an interim report concerning the progress of research and the use of the granted funds. The report is submitted via the SLTS Grant System.

Final report

The report concerning the results of the research shall be submitted via the SLTS Grant System no later than by the end of March following the final year of research.

All reporting shall be made electronically via the SLTS Grant System. Log in to the system and select “Reporting” (the link will not appear until the reporting period begins). To add and edit information in the report, select “Edit”.

The report on the use of the granted funds concerns costs other than salary. The report is a combined account of the use of funds. The responsible project leader shall ensure that all receipts and accounting material related to the grant funding are properly filed by the research site in charge of the project account. This will enable the Foundation to verify, if desired, that funding has been used in compliance with the approved plan of intended use.

Research report concerning the entire project. The intention of the research report is provide sufficient information on the progress of the project and its final results.

Possible patents and inventions. To be completed as applicable.

Project description. The project description is intended for the public at large and shall be written so as to be easily understandable. It will be published as a blog post on the Foundation’s website once the final report has been approved. It is not possible to submit the final report without the project description.

The Foundation should be provided with a list of publications related to the research project. Any publications resulting from the project are listed under “Publications” and arranged by “Type of publication”. If you wish to provide any other material to the Foundation, you can send them as attachments to email, or posted by mail.

Grant recipients should be prepared to present the results of their research personally to the Board of the Foundation.