Application instructions

Priorities for research grant funding

The Foundation for Research of Natural Resources in Finland provides funding for research that promotes responsible, commercially sound and resource-efficient natural resources economy (production, utilization, consumption and sustainable use) and aims at innovations.

  • Bio-economy
  • Mineral economy

Innovations can be processes, technologies, products, services or social innovations related to Finnish natural resources. The innovations must, however, have the potential for economic utilization in compliance with the principles of sustainable development. In this context, Finnish natural resources refer to forests, minerals, water and related living organisms. The overall objective is to create opportunities for business and economy to renew and enhance their competitiveness while also responding to global challenges of sustainable development, including climate change, biodiversity and clean water.

Instructions regarding research grants

Applications are submitted electronically via the SLTS Grant System. Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your application.

To submit an application, you must log in to the system using your personal username and password. When using the system for the first time, you must register as a grant applicant. Select “Make an application” to draw up your application. Please note that the system considers the person making an application to be the responsible project leader.  Thus, the project leader must first register as an applicant, after which the application can be made using the project leader’s username and password. On the “Make an application” screen, you can select “A new application”, “A new test application” or “Copy information” (from a previous application to a new application).

The test application function enables you to practice how to make an application, but you cannot submit a test application to the Foundation or convert it to an actual application.

When making an application for another year of funding in an ongoing project, it is recommended to copy information from the previous application to the continued application. Select the desired earlier application from the menu. Carefully check the application and update the information as required.

Each new application is given a unique application number. Within the call period, you can edit your unfinished application by accessing it through the front page. When making an application, enter the required information in the relevant fields or select from the given options. Complete and save each screen separately. Be sure to save the screens to avoid losing your information if the session is interrupted. You can view or print the application by selecting the printable form (PDF icon) in the Summary section. To delete an application that has not been submitted, select the Trash icon on the front page or Make an application section.

As an applicant, you should pay particular attention to the fields “Aims of the research” and “Explain briefly what practical applications, innovative and creative things the research project can lead to”.  These are the key elements for the purpose of raising the interest of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. The research plan shall describe the background, aims, methods and implementation of the research. The information given in the research plan will be used as the basis for making the decision on funding. The aims of the research will be published on the Foundation’s website as part of the project description.

Progress report

The report is required when continued funding is sought for an ongoing project.


The granting of funding always requires the commitment of the research site. Print the letter of commitment by selecting “Print commitment” (PDF icon). The letter of commitment shall be signed by the director or other official representative of the research site. The commitment shall be submitted as an attachment to the electronic application.

Submitting the application

Electronic applications together with the relevant attachments, shall be submitted to the Foundation. Select “Send” to submit your application. Once the application has been submitted, you can no longer edit it. A confirmation of the receipt of your application will be sent to you immediately after submission. Please note that only the applications received before the given deadline will be processed (the electronic grant system does not accept applications after the deadline).

Evaluation of applications and decisions on funding

Decisions to grant research project funding will be made by the Board of the Foundation in December. All applicants will be informed about the decision by email in December. A condition for the payment of funding is that, by the end of January, the grant recipient confirms the acceptance of the funding as well as the plan to initiate the project. The Foundation reserves the right to cancel the granted funding if the above mentioned acceptance and plan for project initiation are not provided by the given date.