Mineral economy

Mineral-based materials, products and structures are used, either directly or indirectly, in practically all areas of life. Urbanization, new technologies and environmental challenges have resulted in a more diversified and growing demand for mineral raw materials. The construction sector and other infrastructure are dependent on the large-scale utilization of minerals. Production plants, machinery, equipment, vehicles and ICT technologies are also based on the application of mineral materials. Within food production, mineral-based fertilizers, machinery and equipment play an essential role.

In addition to the growing demand for basic metals, we are more and more dependent on various hi-tech metals. They are used in circuit boards, semiconductors, coatings, magnets, smart devices and consumer electronics, and the new energy technologies would not be possible without the multi-faceted use of minerals.

While individual mining companies are exploiting non-renewable natural resources, the increasingly efficient recycling efforts as well as higher resource-efficiency throughout the entire production chain are creating opportunities for a more economical use of raw materials.

Finland has significant and diversified mineral reserves as well as advanced knowledge and competence in mining technologies, mineral refining and material recycling.

Professor of Metallurgy Mari Lundström from Aalto University talks about mineral economy.