From forest industry waste streams to new urethanes and polyurethanes: value from Lignin degradation
Researcher: Veronika Badazhkova, Doctoral Student, Åbo Akademi University
Supervisors: Professor Reko Leino (Principal investigator),…
Development and modification of Scandium production process
Researcher: M.Sc. Rita Kallio
Supervisors: Professors Timo Fabritius (Metallurgy), Saija Luukkanen (Mineral Processing) and Ulla Lassi (Hydrometallurgy)…
Comparing the impact of continuous cover forest management and rotation forest management on long-term soil carbon storage
Researcher: Eva-Maria Roth, Doctoral student, University of Helsinki
Supervisors: Assistant Professor Kristiina Karhu, Department of Forest…
Detailed solution chemistry of flotation circuits in Nordic conditions
Researcher: David Sibarani (M.Sc.), Doctoral student, Aalto University
Supervisor: Daniel Lindberg (D.Sc.), Associate professor, Principal…
New methods for Pure Rare Earths / PuREE
Researcher: M.Sc. Santeri Kurkinen, Department of Separation Science, LUT University
Supervisors: Prof. Tuomo Sainio and…
Boosting the use of fast-growing Aspen: green source of high-added value chemicals and energy (BoostA)
Researcher: Pasi Korkalo, Research Scientist. M.Sc. (Chemistry), Natural Resources Institute Finland
Supervisor: Tuula Jyske, Senior…